The Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism grants a subsidy to ICT Ibérica, S.L.U.
On 23 December 2024, Industrie Cartarie Tronchetti Ibérica, S.L.U. received financial aid, in relation to the 2024 call, valid for the "Compensation scheme of Electro-intensive Consumers for the charges of the specific remuneration for renewable energies and high-efficiency cogeneration and for additional cost corresponding to non-continental territories" for a total amount of € 111,088.05.
The Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism grants a subvention to ICT Ibérica, S.L.U.
On 19 December 2024, Industrie Cartarie Tronchetti Ibérica, S.L.U. received a grant, in relation to the 2024 call for aid from the indirect cost compensation mechanism for industrial sectors and sub-sectors considered to be exposed to a significant risk of carbon leakage, for a total amount of 1,895,434.77 euros.
The brochure of the Consolidated Financial Statements 2023 of ICT Group is now available
In the “Download Area” section of the website, you can now find the brochure relating to the Consolidated Financial Statements 2023.
ICT Ibérica and the Fundación Alcoraz complete the third phase of the 'Play Your Part' programme
ICT Ibérica and the Fundación Alcoraz complete the latest phase of the 'Play Your Part' programme with plantations in Torremocha de Jarama (Madrid), Almudévar (Huesca) and Pego (Alicante), for the third edition of the project that started in 2021
ICT Ibérica's commitment to the environment is sound and strong, and these actions are a concrete demonstration of this. Nine areas have already been reforested and more than 8,000 trees planted. A project that aims to absorb CO2 through the protection or maintenance of our forests, the restoration of paths, the preservation of created green areas, the removal of weeds, soil stabilisation and fire prevention measures.
Once again, the environmental and technical aspects of the work and the development of the plantation were directed by CO2 GESTIÓN, a company specialising in the restoration of forest areas and the creation of carbon sink projects for the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge (MITERD).
Bosques ICT Ibérica Foundation- Alcaraz. Third phase of the 'Play Your Part' programme
The third phase of the 'Play Your Part' programme was completed with the new forests of Torremocha de Jarama (Madrid), Almudévar (Huesca) and Pego (Alicante)
In the case of Torremocha de Jarama, more than 1,100 trees of the Populus nigra, Populus alba, Fraxinus angustifolica, Ulmus minor and Crataegus monogyna species were planted.
Next, it was the turn of the city of Almudévar, which, with the collaboration of the municipality and the pupils of the public school Santos Samper, planted more than a thousand Aleppo pine, Sabina, almond and olive trees, which will bring multiple environmental and social benefits to the residents of Almudévar.
Finally, to complete the third phase of the project, a new forest with more than a thousand species of Olea europea, Pinus pinea, Ceratonia siliqua and Tetraclinis articulata was planted in the city of Pego, Alicante. With this plantation, a total of 85 tonnes of carbon will be offset for the atmosphere throughout its growth and life, another help in caring for the planet and improving air quality.
ICT Ibérica celebrates its 25th anniversary
Founded on 20 May 1999 in Madrid and based in El Burgo de Ebro (Zaragoza) since 2004, it has achieved its goal in this quarter of a century: To be a leader in the tissue (fabric) industry, thanks to the quality and innovation of its products and always committed to society and the environment.
On 30 May, the first of the events to commemorate this quarter of a century took place. The institutional event organised by ICT Ibérica on the occasion of its anniversary was attended, among others, by the most representative authorities of our community, such as the president of the Parliament of Aragon, the vice-president of the government, and companies and suppliers linked to the plant.
The event started with a speech by the general director of the plant, Agustí Maronda, continued with statements by the president, José Luis Pérez Quintana, and ended with speeches by the mayor of El Burgo de Ebro, as host municipality, and the second vice-president of the Government of Aragon and regional minister of Economy, Labour and Industry, Mar Vaquero.
Participants then had the opportunity to see the most modern production centre in Southern Europe up close, with an investment of over 250 million euros spread over two phases, making it the supplier of choice for the Iberian market and the South of France. Guests at the commemorative event were able to see how a modern and innovative factory, employing more than 340 people, achieved a turnover of more than €280 million, exporting 25% of its production to France and Portugal.
A very special open day with staff, family and friends took place on Saturday 1 June. A factory tour was held to proudly show the work areas. We were also able to enjoy a day full of activities and surprises for young and old alike. Among the many proposals were workshops on caring for the planet, the importance of bees, the paper workshop, raising awareness on the importance of road safety, inflatables, face painting, food trucks, video games, and live music. It was a great day, attended by more than 1,000 people, where the whole ICT Ibérica family could blow out 25 candles in a very special way.
Gender Equality Plan ICT Ibérica
At ICT Ibérica, we continue to strive for progress in equal opportunities between men and women, which is why we have continued to work on the implementation of several measures throughout 2023:
- Use of gender-inclusive language.
- Communication of available measures for the reconciliation of family life in the company.
- Communication of the importance of equal responsibility in child care.
- Non-sexist selection processes. Equality training and awareness-raising for those involved in job selection and promotion.
- Communication to new employees of our Equality Plan and Harassment Protocol.
- Salary audits, reinforcing the principle of equal pay for men and women in positions of equal value.
The proposed measures are designed for all staff, in order to make equality effective not only between women and men, but also between all people working at ICT Ibérica.
Since February, ICT Ibérica has included the figure of the company doctor, whose purpose is to ensure the improvement of the health of all staff, dealing mainly with:
- Carrying out annual medical examinations, monitoring individual health proposals, to generate a closer connection with each of the workers.
- Setting up working groups to help improve personal conditions in the workplace, with a focus on health problems.
- Organising seminars to help improve workers' health, in cooperation with the Prevention Department.
- Monitoring people with health problems, cooperating with Accident and Health Insurance for their improvement.
- Assisting workers directly with any personal health issues.
Through this position we aim to contribute to the improvement of the health of all ICT Ibérica employees and set up preventive health programmes managed by a medical professional. The company doctor will make an important contribution to the prevention of occupational risks at the company by implementing the health surveillance area. We also hope that you will promote the 'Healthy Business' project.
ICT Group announces the establishment of the European Works Council (EWC)
ICT Group announces the establishment of the European Works Council (EWC), a body that will provide an additional link between the Company and all employees, facilitating communication and sharing of relevant personnel issues at European level.
Through the active involvement of representatives from the various group companies, the EWC will also help to promote the communication and dissemination of ICT values.
It is the beginning of a new journey, also part of the Group’s growth.
Foxy and Unicef Spain. 10 years of a strategic alliance to transform the reality of children’s lives
Long-term commitments make it possible to generate real changes with a high impact on children’s lives; a good example of this are the results we have been achieving every day for the past 10 years in our partnership with UNICEF
The Sustainable Development Goals set a common agenda for 2030 that is both ambitious and challenging. That is why, since 2013, we have sought to forge a strategic and long-term partnership to support UNICEF in accompanying the most disadvantaged communities in their sustainable development, with a focus on the most vulnerable children
Undoubtedly, the sum of commitment and support contributes to supporting the well-being of children and adolescents around the world. But it is precisely the long-term view that generates profound and impactful changes and makes it possible to transform children’s reality by not only addressing their immediate needs, but also by having an impact on their development and vital growth, their future opportunities, as well as those of their communities.
For Foxy Spain, the best example of this is our alliance with UNICEF Spain that has been going strong for 10 years now, which we use as a launchpad for jointly addressing inequality in learning through education, as well as promoting hygiene and health in school environments. A high-impact alliance with which we have already contributed to improving the lives of more than 67,000 children in Mali and Ivory Coast.
In this decade of partnership, we have contributed to improving school enrolment and achievement rates in Mali while improving the quality of water and sanitation facilities in schools. These measures have a particularly positive impact on the schooling of girls, who, when they reach adolescence, need the school environment to guarantee their needs.
In addition, since 2019, Foxy has focused its support on the education of vulnerable girls in Ivory Coast, sustainably improving access, permanence and quality learning in regions with lower access and completion rates at primary and secondary levels, where girls lag ten points behind boys. Efforts that are leading to improvements in education in a country that, despite the still great challenges, is on track to achieve SDG4 on “quality education”.
These ten years of partnership prove the value of stable engagement and the cumulative impact and sustained change that result from it. Long-standing partnerships enable the possibility of ongoing work advocating for systemic change.
That is why today we are proud to look back and see the great progress we have made together with Unicef Spain since 2013; we also face the future with enthusiasm for the positive impact we will continue to generate, in order to improve the lives of thousands of children and adolescents.
A benchmark alliance for our brand that shows us how to continue building long-term agreements that enable us to face present and future challenges.
10th edition of the Children’s Drawing Competition at ICT Ibérica 2023!
It has been a decade since we launched this initiative, which has been very well received by the entire workforce over the years. During this time it has been a pleasure to continue growing together, expanding this Big Family, and it fills us with satisfaction to have organised, this Christmas, our tenth edition of the Christmas Drawing Competition aimed at the youngest members of the family.
We received a total of 64 drawings! An incomparable Christmas decoration that our children have given us once again this year!
After the popular vote and the difficult choice of the jury, the final results were as follows:
Starting with the youngest children, of the 17 drawings received in the 0–4 category, our finalists are: Marcos Lacuey, 3, and Pablo Gómez and Vera García, 4. The winner of this category was Marcos Lacuey.
Of the 28 drawings received in the 5 - 8 category, our three finalists were Andrea Vázquez and Celia Sanz, both 6, and Adrián Gómez, 8. The winner was Celia Sanz.
And among the 19 drawings received from our older children, in the 9 - 12 category, the finalists were Blau Beteta, 11, Ixeia Martín, 12, and Martina Sanz, 10. The winner, on this occasion, was Blau Beteta.
Congratulations to all three of them! Thank you very much to all the children for participating. Next year you will have another chance to win!
Industrie Cartarie Tronchetti joins the European Tissue Symposium
ICT Group is pleased to announce it has officially joined the European Tissue Symposium. The members of this Association represent the majority of Tissue producers throughout Europe: around 90% of total production.
ETS is a not-for-profit organisation, founded to support and further the image and mission of the European tissue industry, strengthen its competitiveness in the global market, act as an influential voice, foster dialogue between producers and consumers, collaborate with relevant trade associations nationally as well as internationally, and provide publicly available statistics on production, consumption and other information on a country-by-country basis.
Membership of this well-known association enables collaboration between leading companies on topics of common interest in the tissue industry, the sharing of knowledge, ideas and resources, thus helping to define the future pathways for the industry’s sustainable development.
ICT is excited to join this community of experts that promotes best practices, sustainability and innovation in the world of Tissue.
Action: Technological improvement in industrial equipment and processes
With the support obtained from the FEDER Fund of the European Union, INDUSTRIE CARTARIE TRONCHETTI IBERICA S.L. has improved the energy efficiency of the PM21 process line at its facilities in Zaragoza by means of the technological improvement of the HOOD/YANKEE system, which reduces the final energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions associated with the paper manufacturing process.
AID GRANTED: 441,404.22 €
The Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism grants a subvention to ICT Ibérica, S.L.U.
On 2 January 2024, Industrie Cartarie Tronchetti Ibérica, S.L.U. received a grant, in relation to the call for aid for the compensation of additional costs due to the exceptional increase in natural gas prices regulated by order ICT/744/2023, of 7 July, corrected by order ICT/775/2023, of 10 July, for a total amount of 2,719,644.24 euros.