Circular economy: the experience of ICT Ibérica
Circular economy: since 2019, we at ICT Ibérica have been working to create a “closed loop” to reuse materials and energy.
One of the projects that has received an immediate response was the Cardboard core recovery which consists in remediation of the damaged areas of the cores for reuse in the following lower format.
This measure involves recovering 8,600 cardboard cores per year, equivalent to savings of 360 tonnes, which leads to a reduction in associated transport of 225 trips with consequent reduction in CO2 emissions.
In this way, the linear economy that is based on the “obtain-use-and-discard” triad is transformed into a “closed loop” called circular economy in which the residue is converted into a resource, which can be used again by the production plant.
Innovation, safety and increased production capacity: 3 concepts that are an integral part of the ICT France project
After the start-up of the automatic warehouse, ICT France is continuing its growth path: the latest two converting lines are now fully operational, thus increasing the company’s production capacity and productivity.
These new technologically advanced, high-performance lines ensure highest standards of product quality to meet the current and future demands of the most demanding customers.
As always, special focus was placed on safety; in fact, these are latest generation systems that can be controlled using digital technology, which also makes work easier for operators in order to ensure even greater safety.
LGV systems were also implemented, namely automated handling systems for products leaving the converting area, which make it possible to optimise the logistics process and streamline operations.
The overall project has created new jobs and further recruitment is planned for an additional line that will start up by the end of the year.
Final victory for ICT in Europe on patent infringement case against ESSITY
Industrie Cartarie Tronchetti S.p.A (ICT), a Lucca-based company and leader in the category of high quality tissue paper products for domestic use, with subsidieries in Italy, Spain, Germany, France and Poland, is pleased with the now final decisions of the Paris Court of Appeal, the Higher Regional Court of Karlsruhe and the Barcelona Provincial Court dismissing Essity’s claims of patent infringement in regards to ICT’s three ply toilet paper. The company is also satisfied to have demonstrated beyond doubt that its Branded and Private Label products are produced based on its own proprietary process, and patented under European patent 2 353 859.
The Paris decision, which is the most recent, ends a long-running patent infringement litigation with Essity and affirms ICT can continue to produce and distribute absorbent paper based on its own proprietary technology. The three courts in France, Germany, and Spain, have confirmed ICT’s argumentation that it is using its own novel technology, also patented. Essity’s claims of infringement were based on a patent originally filed by Georgia Pacific, and subsequently becoming Essity’s.
The patent litigation began in 2016 when Essity sued ICT in France, Germany and Spain for the alleged infringement of its patent related to the technical solution for the bonding of three layers of tissue for paper products such as high quality, soft and bulky, toilet paper.
In France, Essity claimed that ICT had breached the French part of its European patent 1 081 284 and that the toilet paper marketed as Foxy Soie Plus, and also certain other Private Labels, all produced by ICT France, had infringed on their patent. Essity demanded that all production operations be halted. The rolls of toilet paper were carefully analysed and there were no findings of infringement. The two French courts in first instance and in appeal rejected the claims and additionally the courts have ordered that Essity pay compensation for the legal fees to ICT Italy and ICT France.
In Germany, the case was first taken to the Mannheim District Court, well reputed in patent matters. The lawsuit mainly focused on the complex questions regarding the construing of the claims of Essity’s patent. The court ruled in favour of ICT, and Essity filed an appeal. In May 2019, the Higher Regional Court of Karlsruhe also ruled that the German part of the patent 1 081 284 was not infringed by products marketed by the German subsidiary of ICT.
In Spain, after a first decision in favour of Essity at the lower court, the Barcelona Provincial Court clearly stated in a very well written appeal that ICT’s products, and in particular, Foxy Seda, Foxy Bouquet, certain Private Label product 3 Ply, were not infringing the Spanish part of the patent 1 081 284.
Lucca-based Industrie Cartarie Tronchetti Group donates 10,000 FFP2 masks to the San Luca hospital
Lucca, 5 June 2020 Northwest Tuscany Local Health Authority press release.
A new donation by Industrie Cartarie Tronchetti to the San Luca hospital of Lucca. In mid-April, the company donated 2 bronchoscopy video columns, one fiberscope with video camera, and 2 portable ultrasound systems for the Covid-19 ward of the hospital of Lucca, and 2 defibrillators for the AMI (acute myocardial infarction) network of the 118 emergency service. A little over a month later, the Lucca-based company, leader in the sector of paper products for domestic use, with companies in Italy, Spain, Germany, France and Poland, donated approximately 10,000 FFP2 masks, especially necessary for those who assist patients who are infected or who may be infected by Covid-19, to San Luca hospital.
In this way, ICT Group gives another tangible and concrete sign of support to the doctors, nurses and all healthcare personnel of the Lucca hospital to sustain the efforts against the virus.
The Management of the Tuscany (North West) Local Health Authority and the management of the Lucca hospital thanked ICT for its generosity, also on behalf of the entire personnel of San Luca hospital. These past few months, the solidarity and support of the entire community has played a fundamental role in motivating and supporting healthcare operators every day. (dp)
May 21st: World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development
Happy World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue & Development!
Cultural diversity is an important element for growth, at all levels.
It has many positive effects in the workplace: it provides more expertise, increases productivity, creativity and problem-solving skills, improves cultural knowledge whilst promoting innovation.
Our Greenfield Philosophy is also based on this.
Industrie Cartarie Tronchetti supporting the San Luca hospital in Lucca against the Covid-19 emergency: essential donation of medical devices
Lucca,15 April 2020 - Northwest Tuscany Local Health Authority press release
Industrie Cartarie Tronchetti S.p.A, a Lucca-based company and leader in the sector of tissue paper products for domestic use, with subsidiaries in Italy, Spain, Germany, France and Poland, has donated 2 bronchoscopy video columns, 1 fiberscope with video camera and 2 portable ultrasound machines for the hospital in Lucca, Covid-19 ward, and 2 defibrillators for the IMA (acute myocardial infarction) network of the 118 emergency service.
The two ultrasound machines have already been delivered in these days, the two defibrillators will be delivered by the end of the week, while the two bronchoscopy video columns and the fiberscope will be delivered by the end of the month.
The company has agreed to support the work of the San Luca hospital in Lucca in order to protect the community against the effects of the virus, thereby giving a tangible sign of support to doctors, nurses and all healthcare staff.
The Management of the Northwest Tuscany Local Health Authority and the Management of the hospital of Lucca have conveyed their sincere gratitude to Industrie Cartarie Tronchetti for the generosity shown, also on behalf of all the front-line workers involved in the care of patients with Covid-19. In critical moments like this, the solidarity and support of the entire community is a further reason and gives more meaning to the daily work carried out by all our operators. United we are stronger!
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Communiqué
ICT SpA is constantly and carefully monitoring the spread of the new Coronavirus (COVID-19), in order to identify the necessary preventive measures to guarantee the safety of its employees, their families, collaborators, suppliers, customers and the community, in accordance with the indications of Health Authorities and in compliance with local and national regulations.
A Crisis Unit has been established to manage the emergency, whose task is to analyse the internal situation and the evolution of the measures issued by competent authorities, highlight potential risks connected to the activities, identify possible containment measures and coordinate their application in the field while assessing their effectiveness.
Among the main measures taken, we would like to highlight, by way of example:
- Information campaign on the proper individual behaviours, inside and outside work situations
- Controlled access and restrictions in common areas
- Special plan to reinforce hygiene and health measures
- Widespread application of smart working for all roles where this is possible and closure of non-essential company departments
- Stop to business trips and meetings and intensive use of tools to perform remote meetings.
Safety is our primary objective while respecting the regulations in force and our employees, according to the principles that we have always upheld.
The company is fully committed on every operational level in this regard and it will use all the necessary resources to preserve the continuity of the supplies.
We believe that a responsible and careful attitude is beneficial to ourselves, our colleagues, our families and the community, and it will allow us to manage this difficult phase in the best way.
The new compressed air production plant and related heat recovery system is now operational at the Piano della Rocca facility
At the Piano della Rocca paper mill, the new compressed air production plant and related heat recovery system are now officially operational. As expected when designing the project, the technology implemented saves a considerable amount of electricity and, as a result, reduces CO2 emissions for producing the compressed air required for the entire production facility. The new machines produce compressed air more efficiently and, unlike the previous setup, are powered by variable speed motor, ensuring the highest level of performance under any load condition. Moreover, the new compressors are equipped with a heat recovery system from the cooling circuit. This heat, which would otherwise be dissipated, is used to heat up water to supply the entire heating system and sanitary water of the newly built offices and locker room at the facility. These projects prove the ongoing commitment of the ICT Group to energy efficiency, sustainability and environmental protection.
The Body(in)work project
ICT Poland is committed to promoting sports initiatives and looks after the physical health of its employees. As part of the Foxy Fit programme, employees are divided into groups and are encouraged to spend time together doing activities such as jogging, football, cooking healthy meals, fitness classes, etc. Physical activity has also been introduced at the workplace. Two of our employees who are also fitness instructors, Kamila and Marta, launched the body(in)work programme – a short series of health-promoting exercises designed to loosen tense muscles, stimulate circulation and relax at work. The aim of the project is to give employees the opportunity to perform several exercises during work breaks to improve their psychological and physical well-being.
ICT Group remains committed to sustainability and environmental protection
After rebuilding at the paper mills in Italy and at ICT Poland, the new vacuum system has now been put into operation at ICT France. The vacuum generating system for PM31 consists of two blowers and saves a considerable amount of electricity, resulting in lower CO2 emissions and a drastically lower amount of water used in the vacuum system. Turbo blower technology is currently one of the best solutions to reduce the energy impact, in line with the requirements of the BREF (Best Available Techniques Reference Document) for the paper industry. We are proud of achieving this result and of the amazing teamwork behind this project.